HTML and CSS are the fundamental building blocks of the web. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is used to structure content on the web. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is used to style HTML elements, making the content look visually appealing.
Design your kids’ way to the future with the SkyHi Tech ladder while exposing them to HOW and WHY of web development. Turn the complex tasks enjoyable and find the best way for kids to learn web development.
Throughout the course, you will learn how to create web pages and applications from scratch, using HTML and CSS. You will also learn best practices for web design, including how to create a responsive design that works on different devices and screen sizes. Additionally, you will gain hands-on experience with websites with practical projects.
For coding editor we use Visual Studio Code to build professional websites.
Book a free trialKids Web Development (HTML & CSS) - Level 1
We do not require any previous experience or pre-defined skills to take this course. A great orientation would be enough to master HTML & CSS. A computer with a good internet connection. Familiar with keyboard / keys Understanding of how to open folders and files.